LINK TO VIDEO! I wanted to share with you all an exercise that has shown real improvement in my students’ playing. These are all simple three note runs through every combination on the scale, and while it may seem easy, I promise, there are some tricky parts in here! Work through each of these until there are no runs, crossing noises, or false fingerings (make sure each note is fingered correctly!) and well as ABSOLUTELY EVEN. Spend a few minutes on this each day, and just pick up where you left off at your next practice. Circle or otherwise mark the ones you find trickiest so you can spend extra time on them later when you’ve worked through the whole document.

Link to FREE one-page exercise:

Link to purchase the full 12-page exercise:
NOTE: If you do purchase the full exercise, please check your spam folder for the download links/purchase receipt email. For some reason, the email often gets sent to the spam folder!